Getting the New Semester Off to the Right Start - Here's How
Surviving college is all about having the right plan. This means that each semester you’ll have to be prepared for new courses and getting back into the swing of student life. Realistically, success throughout the semester often depends on how well you begin the semester; if you start strong, it’s easier to maintain that momentum and finish strong. There are several ways to make sure you get off to the best possible start. Here are a few tips: Get Your Textbooks Early Although you may not need your textbooks the first day of class, you’ll need to purchase them as early as possible. This is because textbooks, specifically used textbooks, literally fly off the shelves. If you wait too long, you could end up paying significantly more for your books. Before the semester begins, find out which textbooks you need and purchase them in the campus bookstore or online (if you can't get to campus). Just remember to look for used books first. It's always a good thing to start of...