Getting the New Semester Off to the Right Start - Here's How

Surviving college is all about having the right plan. This means that each semester you’ll have to be prepared for new courses and getting back into the swing of student life. Realistically, success throughout the semester often depends on how well you begin the semester; if you start strong, it’s easier to maintain that momentum and finish strong. There are several ways to make sure you get off to the best possible start. Here are a few tips:  

Get Your Textbooks Early
Although you may not need your textbooks the first day of class, you’ll need to purchase them as early as possible. This is because textbooks, specifically used textbooks, literally fly off the shelves. If you wait too long, you could end up paying significantly more for your books. Before the semester begins, find out which textbooks you need and purchase them in the campus bookstore or online (if you can't get to campus). Just remember to look for used books first. It's always a good thing to start off the semester with a little extra cash in your pocket!

Freshen Up Your Living Space
A fresh environment can give you a fresh start. Creating a fresh environment can include cleaning your living space, redecorating, or moving to a new space. For example, moving off campus offers a bigger living space, more freedom, and an array of amenities. This can provide you with a sense of peace, comfort, and mental clarity, which can all help you improve your study habits and overall academic performance. If you’re staying on campus, make sure your dorm room is clean, add new decorations and furnishings, or move some furniture around. This can also create a more tranquil environment that’s conducive to good study habits. That said, most students will agree that there’s nothing like having your own space, such as an off-campus apartment. If you're wondering how to find off-campus housing that's just the right fit, simplify your search by checking out our suites at Residence on First.

Create a Journal of Your Goals
A journal of goals is simply a notebook that includes your short-term and long-term goals. This could be as simple as “Attend five parties this semester,” or as complex as, “Maintain the highest marks in all classes.” Your journal can also be used to keep track of your daily, weekly, and monthly tasks. Not to mention, it can help you manage your time well, set priorities, plan academic events (i.e. studying or research sessions), track assignments, set health-related goals, and even improve your academic performance.
Start the upcoming semester and the year off right - start planning for success!


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