Smart Tips for Preparing for College

Few freshmen will find themselves exempt from the demands of college. Fortunately, these demands are manageable. However, managing classes and the university environment may take some preparation. Prepping before college can help make the adjustment easier and help make you a more organised and successful student. But you must know how to prepare. Below are a few tips that could enhance this pre-college preparation.

Connect on Social Media
Connecting on social media is a great way to learn about your university and meet other students – freshmen and upperclassmen. Here you can stay up-to-date on school events, find tips for navigating university life and classes, find social events and so much more. Before your first semester, check out your school’s social media pages, forums and website. While on social media, you should:

  •         Try to connect with your roommate(s), other students (especially freshmen), your assigned resident advisor (RA), academic advisor and even your professors
  •         Ask questions about the university, classes, student life and more
  •         Research your assigned classes and Fanshawe College accommodation, as well as your degree program
  •          Look for offered activities, school amenities, special events, library and bookstore schedules and procedures and special offers

Meeting people and learning about your school before your first day, could help make the transition from high school to college much easier. It could also help ease any loneliness or distress you may be feeling about the process.

Organise Your Belongings, Purchase the Essentials and Pack Well
Organisation is actually one of the keys to surviving college. Fortunately, it’s a skill you should have learned in high school and it’s something you can practice before university begins. Practising your organisation skills begins with the moving process. Organise your move by creating a “to-do” list, purchasing packing materials, decluttering your room, throwing away, donating and packing your things, labelling your boxes and moving them to an accessible area of your room or home.

Before packing obtain a list of things your university will provide, so you’ll know what to leave behind. However, if you’re moving into one of the furnished apartments London, Ontario offers, you won’t need to leave much behind. Additionally, purchase any essentials, such as hygiene products, bedding, school supplies and more. But don’t overpack or pack anything you won’t need.

Creating a daily schedule or calendar is another way to remain organised and practise effective time management. Fill your calendar with assignment and project deadlines or milestones, exam dates, study times, academic or personal goals, activity schedules, appointments and any special events. Once at university, review this calendar daily and create assignment and appointment alerts on your smartphone. Finally, create a feasiblebudget using a financial mobile app or software.

Read and Assess Any Academic Weaknesses
Reading and assessing your academic shortcomings during the summer could give you an advantage when the school year begins. In fact, some courses even provide a summer reading list. This recommended of assigned list is designed to prepare you for the course material. The more you know about the course, the better you can prepare for it and the easier it will be. Plus, assigned summer reading can show you what to expect from your courses. It can also give you a chance to explore and assess your own academic weaknesses. Creating a plan to address these weaknesses, such as researching tutors and additional services and downloading educational apps could enhance your academic potential and success.


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